American Dad Wikia
Sausage factory

The Sausage Factory is the strip club where Stan and Roger find that Hideki Yoshida has sold their idea of male stripper shoes in "National Treasure 4: Baby Franny: She's Doing Well: The Hole Story".

As Stan and Roger drown their sorrows over coffee at Coughy's Coffee Shop when they are unable to kill Mr. Yoshida's wife and produce capital for their idea for male stripper shoes, they look out the window, the see an advertisement for The Sausage Factory and find that Mr. Yoshida stole their idea. They go to the strip club where Mr. Yoshida points out that you have to be ruthless in business but treats the guys to an exhibition of their footwear on two of the strippers, Big Rod-Riguez & Throb Lowe. Stan and Roger are surprised that the most successful shoes are based on a biplane sketch that allow the strippers to fly above the screaming female fans.
